The Epiphany of the Lord
January 8, 2023
Are we willing to travel in life to meet the Lord,
not only in times that are good and great,
but also in times when the journey of life is very, very difficult?
The readings for this Epiphany are for all of us who, at times, have found ourselves on our life's journey in darkness, in confusion, in doubt, in frustration.
The first reading was addressed to the Hebrew people who were in the Exile of Babylon. They, too, were struggling and faced with difficulties. The prophet gave them courage when their lives seemed meaningless and hopeless.
At times it is so easy to give up and not continue our journey.
Our journey can be difficult as life was for St. Paul who wrote to the Ephesians while he was in prison in Rome awaiting death.
The Ephesians were mostly Gentiles, those who the Jews considered as not chosen by God.
Paul encouraged them to continue the journey in spite of the difficulties, and he reminded them that they had been chosen by God as are we by our Baptism.
In the Gospel of Matthew we meet the three Magi. They were pagans and did not even worship or know about the God of the Hebrews, yet they were inspired to make a very difficult journey to find the Lord.
Lord give us the grace and courage given to the Magi so that we can too
can make our our way on the journey in our life and find you and the Eternal Life that you give.
No matter how often we may struggle on our journey, may the Magi give us the hope that shows you, God, are for all people, even for us in our moments of failure,fear, sin, and doubt.
Our life's daily journey will lead us to Christ and his gift of Eternal Life.
May we never give up, just as the Magi never gave up.