Christmas Mass Readings 2022
Christmas 2022
There are 4 different sets of readings depending on the mass you will attend.
Below are my very informal audio clips I made while reflecting on the Christmas readings .
Remember they are unedited.
I hope, that if you wish to listen to them, they will helpful.
Click on the one below that you wish to listen to.
Audio Reflection Midnight Mass
Audio Reflection Mass During the Day
We know that all of us, at times, go through difficulties.
Pray that those who are in those difficult times may hold on to the hope that the coming of Christ makes for all of us.
In spite of the times of difficulty, God will never abandon us.
The temptations of the devil are strong in trying to make us believe,"You poor thing.
How can this happen to you?"
Tell the evil one to go to Hell.
The Messiah has come today and every day.
In our baptism He has called us by name.
He gives us again the greatest Christmas gift we could ever want, the promise of Eternal Life
. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and please keep me in yours.
Fr. Doug
He Is Born