Sixth Sunday of Easter Cycle C
Pentecost Sunday Cycle A B & C

The Ascension of The Lord Cycle C

May 29, 2022

Review the Readings

Listen to the Readings


Photo May 04, 10 12 00 AM
Review the Readings

Listen to the Readings




We all know the story of the Ascension.

Photo May 04, 9 54 16 AM


This, once again, gives us the opportunity to reflect on how we use this event in each of our own lives. How do we apply this event to ourselves?

What meaning does it have for us, today?

Before ascending, Jesus talks to his followers, assuring them that all that has happened to Him, his suffering, his death, his resurrection, has been a part of God's plan of salvation for all.

They are told by Him. shortly before he ascends out of their sight into heaven, that they are to be witnesses to all the things they have experienced.

Jesus speaks

Jesus promises to send from the Father, the Promise, the Holy Spirit. 

Holy spirit

That same promise is made to each of us, so that we too, can daily receive the Spirit and  become witnesses of the mercy and love of God.

We too, will have to have struggles, disappointments, hardships. But like  Jesus, these are all a part of the plan to get us to eternal life.


 He writes this letter to the Ephesian converts so that they can have a deeper understanding and insight into the great mercy and love of God.






Paul Letter
This letter is also for each of us, individually, so that we come to see,  again, how deeply God  loves us.

Paul prays that the converted Ephesians may come to be even more enlightened.
That same prayer is for each of us, so that our hearts and our eyes can be enlightened to be able to really understand the great love and mercy that God has for us, time after time.

If we stop and think about it, we really, at times as individuals, and at times as the human race, do  not deserve to be given eternal life.

Humanity makes tremendous mistakes, and yet, we are promised the opportunity to have eternal life because of the great love and mercy of God who sent his son to suffer and die for us and all of humanity.

Do we realize that death here on the earth should be the end for each of us, but, in God's great love and mercy for the human race, He has given us the opportunity of one day, at the end of our earthly life, to follow the Ascension of Jesus and to live with God, eternally in great peace.

The only thing that could stop us from receiving or entering into eternal life is ourselves. God has prepared everything, so that we can enter eternal life.

Jesus hand

Do we recognize the great gift that God  gives us every single day?

We have the opportunity to convert, to ask for forgiveness, to reconcile, and to once again draw closer to  eternal life.

We have this opportunity day after day.


In the first reading, the disciples are reminded of all that Jesus had done and how that can now lead each of us to eternal life. In a sense, that same event is repeated for us as we listen to the reading. Every single time we reviewed these readings, we once again are able to be a part of that event of the Ascension of Jesus. We see His great love and mercy time after time.



Photo May 04, 9 56 29 AM

The disciples, watching the Ascension, are asked, why are they just standing there and just looking up?


What about us today???

Photo May 05, 11 00 11 AM
That same question is asked of  us everyday.

We know what Jesus has called us to, to love, to forgive even to the enemy,  but sometimes we just stand there looking up wondering when God will solve the difficulty, the problem, or the situation.

Each of us knows that through our baptism we have been called to act, to make God present and not to just stand there, looking up. We are to make Christ known in the world for all people, friend and foe alike.


Let us ask for the courage to do that, so we too may enter; may one day follow Jesus into His Ascension, into our own eternal life.





Christ is Risen


Alleluia Christ is truly Risen



