Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time Cycle C
First Sunday of Lent Cycle C

Eighth Sunday Ordinary Time Cycle C

Eighth Sunday cycle C
February 27, 2023
Reflection on this Sundays Reading and the coming of Lent
 Sirach 27:4-7.
Book of Sirach1
One of the greatest gift that God has given to human beings is the power of speech.
We were called to use this so that we can honor God by praising him, by praying to him for all of our needs and for thanking him for all of our gifts. 
It is the way for us to make him known to others.
Another reason we have been given God’s gift of speech is so that we can live in harmony with all people.
We are called to use speech so we can be truthful honest and to share love, (charity) at all times.
At times, one of the hardest things we can do is to  be silent when we don’t have anything good to say.

We need are used to use this wonderful gift of God as He intended.  Yet it is so easy not to think about how we use speech in our daily lives.
Lent begins soon and it might be a time to become aware of how we use speech.  
Second reading: One Corinthians 15:54-58
1 Corinthians
Saint Paul wrote to the Corinthians reminding them that Christ died so that all might have eternal life. Death is not the end.
It is good to remember that each day is for preparing our life for eternal life, for eternal happiness. 
 Remember that in all of the events and situations in our life, both he ones we agree with and disagree with, are leading us to eternal life.


Rough times
When times get rough, call to mind that we are being led to eternal life though all situations and events that happen to us.  
Gospel: Luke 6:39-45
The words of Saint Luke were probably written around the year 29 AD.
It is important that we take time to look at our own faults and difficulties and failures so we don't deceive ourselves into thinking that we have no difficulties or no problems in dealing with the situations and events in our life that God has made possible for us.
One of the hardest things we have to do is to look at ourselves spiritually.
Those moments  when we fail to make Christ present to others; we can so easily deny that has happened. Or we make ourselves believe it’s not my fault.
Our mission is to make God present in the world through our speech, our reactions to negative situations, which can speak loudly about our Christianity.
Perhaps it will be the time that we stop criticizing others and turn the criticism on ourselves.  
Are we judging others?
We are called to love even the enemy.
We can grow when we see our failures and turn to our all forgiving God. 
His love and mercy is without end.
God's mercy
Give it a try


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