Twenty-eighth Sunday Ordinary Time Cycle C
Gaudete Sunday Third Sunday Advent Cycle B

The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome.

Yearly on November 9th

Review the Readings

Listen to the Readings


Photo Nov 01, 9 49 16 AM


Today, instead of the regular Sunday liturgy, the Church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. The readings, the liturgy of that special day are used instead of the regular Sunday liturgy.



Photo Nov 01, 9 48 10 AM
St. John Lateran in Rome



The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of Rome.


This is not St. Peter's, but it is the Pope's cathedral.


  Inside Lateran


Background Information 

Also called the Church of Holy Savior or the Church of St. John Baptist, it was the baptism church of ancient Rome. It was built in the time of Constantine and was consecrated by Pope Sylvester in 324. This feast became a universal celebration in honor of the basilica called "the mother and mistress of all churches of Rome and the world" as a sign of love for and union with the See of Peter.


The following Reflection
by Abbot Philip Monastery of the Desert

 We have to be honest and say that today’s celebration is also about the role of the Bishop of Rome in the life of the Church.  This is not about power, but about service.  Yet we all know that the reality of service is that it can turn into power.  Thus we can pray in the liturgy today for the service in charity of the Bishop of Rome to the other bishops and to the universal Church.

Photo Nov 01, 9 50 22 AMIf we look at the readings in terms of Church and the service of the Bishop of Rome, our Pope, we can see in the first reading, a reflection of what the Church and the service of the Pope are 
supposed to be:  the water of life flowing out from God and giving life to all that it touches.
This is the ideal and it is rarely completely reached.  Yet we have seen so many holy Popes in the last one hundred years that we can understand that the role of the Pope and the role of the Church is to give us life.

Photo Nov 01, 9 55 26 AMThe second reading reminds us that we are the Church, the temple of God.  We are not the Church all by ourselves in some exclusive way.  Each of us is the Church and yet together we are the Church. Each of us is a temple of God and together we are God’s people.
Photo Nov 01, 9 54 19 AM
  Photo Nov 01, 10 00 49 AM
 Finally, in the Gospel, we understand how the Body of Christ points to resurrection, for Him and for us.  We are to recognize in all of this the hand of God:  Jesus dies for us and we must die for one another.  This is the Church and this is why we celebrate the dedication of a Church.  
The Bishop of Rome, our Pope, can lead us to walk with Christ—but we must be the ones who walk.
Your brother in the Lord,
Abbot Philip, OSB




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